About a week and a half ago, we had a record setting frost take place (earliest I can remember) where temperatures were between 27-35 throughout the state.
The local stations in my area, including mine registered between 28.8-32.5 for that Wednesday and Thursday.
As a result of course anything above around 6ft off the ground got nipped/burned including the bananas.
Below are some images.
Still yet - the Namwah is continuing to push out the flower, and as of today appears to have begun opening.
The next 10 days look are forecasted to be in the upper 70s to low 80s during the day and 50s-60s at night.
I do not expect it to have time to mature this season, but the flower size is impressive none-the-less.
Much larger than I expected and the pictures don't do it justice really.
and the Basjoo's for reference: