Re: over-watering vs under-watering ?
Mostly Orinoco, this year I have - Ensete Red Abyssinian, Goldfinger, Kokopo (Short Cycle), Double (Mahoi), Pisang Ceylon(Mysore) in the pile. We will see how some of these do come May. In pots Highgate, Super Dwarf Cavendish, Double (Mahoi), 4th season Ensete Red Abyssinian, Musa Margarita. These are in my basement, 55ºF-65ºF depending on the outside temps. I do have lights for the ones in pots and only water them when they are dry.
Growing Musa Orinoco since 1993 - Added 2018-Basjoo, Zebrina' Rojo, Ensete Red Abyssinian - Added 2019-Goldfinger - Added 2020-Kokopo (Short Cycle), Double (Mahoi), Highgate, Super Dwarf Cavendish - Added 2021-Pisang Ceylon(Mysore), Musa Margarita, Ensete Ventricosum - Added 2023 - Siam Ruby