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Old 12-09-2022, 06:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default new supplies, preparing for plant arrival.

I got some supplies today to prepare the pots ready for the plant's arrival.

2x super dwarf nathan (cavendish) about 20cm tall.

i got another bale of canadian peat moss.
2x water saver pots, 23ltrs
it gets hot in oz and should help prevent them drying out too quick if i forget to water one day. i use water saver troughs for my carnivore plants (pure peat moss/sand 50/50 mix) to stop the soil drying out on them.

2x bags of cacti/succulent mix.
1x chicken poo
1x compost
2x small 5ltr perlite bags.

was thinking of using the cacti mix with a couple of handfuls of compost and chicken poo, and probably half to a whole bag of perlite depending on how it all looks, and a couple of handfuls of peat thrown in for good measure.
should hopefully end up with a fertile soil that holds moisture but is free draining.
unfortunately im out of silica sand that i use in my fly traps/carnivore plants, or i would have used that instead of perlite.

any thoughts or suggestions?

Last edited by oblivion : 12-09-2022 at 06:31 AM.
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