Originally Posted by PR-Giants
What you're describing I refer to as the "Dumbbell Effect" and it can be used very productively for macropropagation.
Basically a rhizome planted too deeply will self adjust the location of it's main growing point by sending up a slender growth containing the growing point to it's preferred depth. Once it's at that depth it will regain it's bulb like shape, it then resembles a dumbbell because it has two bulbs connected by a bar shaped growth.
i have at least 2 do that one above ground and one below.
the one below ground was a fhia-17 i have had growing in the ground for 6 years. i decided to redo the mat an found it growing like this in the first photo.
the second photo is a sweetheart i found broken off last year. it is currently growing in a pot.
i have a 3rd one [probably] of a banana that i broke off with my lawnmower. it has been growing in a cracked 5 gallon bucket planted 2 inches from the bottom for almost a year now. i have yet to take it out of the bucket.