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Old 05-05-2023, 05:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
Jeff zone 8 N.C.
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Default Re: Time to separate the variegated pups

Originally Posted by PR-Giants View Post
Once the ambient temperature get to 22 that's enough to stimulate root growth but maximum soil moisture and aeration is what makes these plants grow fast.

The most common mistake I see people make is they try to regulate soil aeration with the use of water. If an error is made it usually leads to root and or rhizome rot.

I take a very different approach, I start with more soil aeration than is necessary and just keep maximizing the soil moisture. If an error is made it will be because I forgot to add water and that will only lead to slower growth.

If there is enough air there can never be too much water as long as the ambient temperature is adequate.
Have you used Turface (calcined baked clay) in your mixes? I just drove round trip 250 miles to buy some of this to try in my soil mixes. Sounds like it may work well based on your suggestion for a very well drained mix. I bought it to try on tender bananas that rot easily. I intend to use it on my NoNo and Siam Ruby and on other variegated and harder to keep alive bananas, as I am able to collect them.

Last edited by Jeff zone 8 N.C. : 05-05-2023 at 09:25 PM.
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