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Old 05-16-2023, 12:22 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default HydraFiber is Great but

You can't buy pure HydraFiber retail. You can only buy it retail in adulterated form from manufacturers who pretend that adulteration is added value. Imagine a world in which you can't buy pure salt or pure sugar because the manufactures of salt and sugar say that only manufacturers of processed food are smart enough to use sugar and salt. That's the business model of the HydraFiber Company.

I evaluated two HydraFiber products:

I planted corn 'Kandycorn' seeds in three different planting medias:

1. 100% Sunshine Mix #4, watered with 2 tsp/gal of Dyna-Gro 9-3-6

2. 50% Sunshine Mix #4 + 50% HydraPeat, watered with 2 tsp/gal Dyna-Gro 9-3-6

3. !00% Sta-Green® Perfect Potting Mix, watered with pure tap water

Left to right 1., 2., and 3.:

Germination is as follows:

1. 23/25
2. 25/25
3. 19/25

2. has the largest plants. 3. has dead leaf edges. Also, 3. repelled initial watering and had to be submersed in a tray of water for 8 hours.

On another plant, not shown, mold grew on top of Sta-Green® Perfect Potting Mix.


Sta-Green® Perfect Potting Mix is absolutely awful but HydaPeat, which is 80% HydraFiber, 20% Peat Moss, is very good. But, I hate paying for unnecessary 20% peat moss.

Last edited by aruzinsky : 05-16-2023 at 12:33 PM.
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