Originally Posted by beam2050
anyways so with that i bought 10 pounds of crushed sandstone. quite pricy, 25 bucks. not quite enough to fill a 2 1/2 gallon pot. i have a hole ready for the florida, i will plant her in a couple of weeks after the cow manure and compost have a bit of time to calm down. i will be using the pots with the rock for long term planting from now to see what i can learn from it.
I plant variegated bananas with rhizomes that have a tendency to rot in what I refer to as a French Drain.
The rocks are just around the rhizome and are only there to protect the rhizome against excess water with low aeration. I'm not concerned about the roots. Many people complain about root rot but I've never seen it as a major problem. If any roots rot they'll only rot back as far as where the substrate has adequate aeration and then will start to regrow.