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Old 07-15-2023, 11:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: Using bananas as a garbage disposal = super happy bananas

Originally Posted by Janelle525 View Post
I've been doing this for about 2 yrs as well. I realized bananas need rich soil, the only time that it becomes a detriment to add plant waste is when it's piles and piles of rotting citrus fruit like from a big farm. I add everything and anything too, including guinea pig poop and my urine. I haven't needed to use fertilizers at all this year and this tall namwa mat has the largest rack of bananas we've gotten so far. When I dig into the soil it's full of worms where previously I never saw any night crawlers. SO much better for the environment to not need bags and bags of fertilizer that run off into lakes and streams.
Amazing! Totally agree! Those are some really happy looking Namwahs.

Yeah I imagine too much citrus would be an issue. I've added citrus a little bit at a time to worm bins/compost piles and it's usually fine. I wouldn't throw more than a dozen lemons at a time on a banana clump though.
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