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Old 07-30-2023, 08:46 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Looking for genuine Manini AeAe

Hi Everyone!

Looking for an AeAe to buy and add to the collection. The plan is to put her in the ground and attempt to get a mat going (and ultimately fruit!).

Also, if anyone has actually tasted the fruit, I'd love to hear your opinion on how it tastes versus Cavendish or Grand Nain!

I found one YouTube video of a review, wondering how accurate it is. One lady mentions it has a lemon taste? Then the guy says it has a marshmallow undertone?

Anyway, curious to hear everyone's thoughts (and obviously if someone has any for sale).

Open to trade as well! I've got Blue Java (real BJ), Dwarf Cavendish, manzano, blood, Double Mahoi onebigholiday is offline   Reply With Quote Send A Private Message To onebigholiday
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