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Old 08-08-2023, 10:26 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Help! Reverse Taste Description / Flavor Profile; Looking for "the one"

Not a lot of response for this question so I can give you my 2 cents. I grow 10-15 different varieties on Long Beach, CA. I would highly recommend:

Mysore - vigorous grower, cold hardy, huge racks of delicious bananas with a slight berry taste

Dwarf Brazilian and Goldfinger - both have a delicious banana taste with some subacid tang to them. Goldfinger might taste a little better than Dwarf Brazilian.

Dwarf Namwa - Very sweet, creamy and dense fruit. No subacid tang to it like I like but it tastes so different then most bananas that I say you need to try it.

I have yet to try Dwarf Red, Gros Michel or Raja Puri.

California Gold is a good dual purpose banana. It is an excellent plantain and pretty good eaten fresh.

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