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Old 08-11-2023, 07:04 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Unsure of buying Aeae in S Fl, looking for advice

Originally Posted by Jeff zone 8 N.C. View Post
Both AeAe and Florida as well as some other edible bananas can have seeds but under most circumstances they do not. If there is another suitable pollen donor banana, blooming nearby at the same time as your banana is blooming you may get seed. The AeAe is considered better for cooking but when ripe can be used for dessert out of hand. The Florida is more a dessert banana.
Bananas will fruit better and produce more fruit, in ground,. but can be fruited in larger pots. Since these two bananas cost a lot maybe in a pot is a good way to start so you have more control over conditions. When you get babies then pot one of those up for a backup then plant the original one in ground.
Shipping a plant is easy and probably millions are shipped every day in the U.S.
I have very rarely had any problems with shipping.
Best Day only has a 2ft for $300 so I am weighing my options price wise

What size pot would you recommend? Should I eventually up pot it or should I give it a pig pot to start?
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