Re: Your favorite/easiest potted tropical fruit tree?
Oh jeez, mango in a pot? You'll have to knock out a ceiling before that fruits for you. Unless you can find the cultivars called "Condo Mango" which are dwarf varieties that fruit at about 3' tall. Even then it's tough to do.
And before you consider growing a mango indoors, find out if you're allergic or sensitive to the fumes of turpentine. A mango in closed quarters with the appropriate amount of sunlight and heat is a highly fragrant beast, and some people have difficulty with the strength of their smell - it can cause eye irritation, for one thing. This goes double for when they're blooming.
Avocado in a pot won't fruit for you. The tree needs to be at least 13 years old, in the ground, and generally grafted from a producing tree onto other rootstock if you want it to produce edible fruits. Nice foliage trees, though, if you can keep them alive.