Originally Posted by Gardener972
Why wouldn't you have bought the P. Cattleianum? What's the difference?
Richard is right on. The P. Cattleianum, either the Lemon or Strawberry, have similar fruit structure. They have thin meat(pulp) and larger seeds that are packed in the middle, similar to pomegranate. The meat can be sweet when picked at the proper stage of ripeness. But the texture becomes another issue. I had both the lemon and the strawberry types. And they fruit quickly (12" height), but I didn't like the taste, and worse, the texture.
Any standard P. gaujava, is great to me. I bought guavas from the Taipei Costco, when I was inspecting the construction of the store, the size of big Pummelo. They were not very sweet, but sweet, nevertheless. And very little acid.
Oh! and the guava from Taipei Costco, if you imagine the fruit in the photo that I attached earlier, make it about 8" in dia, that's what the Taipei guava looked like. Even the color and texture is the same. Nice and meaty, and very few seeds.