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Old 05-09-2008, 07:38 AM   #6 (permalink)
Steve in France
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Default Re: African Red propagation experiment

Go for it guys. I was worried my Musa 'African Red' was just going to fade away , that's why I went for the extreme approach. It has taken a few weeks to get a bunch of pups growing. Keeping the corm just a bit damp with a few dry areas is a bit of a calculation, but worth the effort . The best results would come from placing the corm on top of damp compost in the greenhouse , it would be a bit easier to judge the moisture than in a dry house. I'll go and cut that bigger pup now and see whats what.I've noticed you get more shoots from Colocasia tubers when they are not in the soil, I guess it's like Potatoes as well, the way all the eyes sprout when you leave them in the air for too long. However it works it's a good way to get a few more pups for us none Tissue Culture plain old gardeners.
Always looking for a lost pup
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