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Old 05-09-2008, 08:08 AM   #7 (permalink)
Steve in France
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Default Re: African Red propagation experiment

I cut the pup, I wish I had a working camera at the moment.
There was some new white root growth , not as much as I had hoped . I think I kept it a little too dry, like I said before a corm sitting on top of some damp compost would be the way to go.I kept mine drier than I would have liked too because I had some wet rot and insect activity in the top of the corm when I started the experiment. Now I know this method works I'll try another corm Musa 'Royal Purple' in the greenhouse on top of compost.
I wonder if this method would work with Ensetes? The only one I have that is suffering is Ensete 'Thai Superbum' and that is starting to recover with a new leaf , too rare to experiment with this year I think.
I propagate Tropical Water Lilies using the bare tuber in water method , they normally throw 3 to 4 new plants before the tuber is used up. This takes two or three Winter months for me. Pinch a new plant then wait two weeks to a month or more, pinch another then wait and so on. I'll keep working the 'African Red as long as I can.
Always looking for a lost pup
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