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Old 05-28-2008, 12:37 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: Since bananas like water, and there are water restrictions ...


Unfortunately, I can't mulch my lawn. Currently, I am living in a development that has restrictive covenants about what the front lawn will look like, the colour of the brick, doors, windows, etc. Mind you, it does look really nice, but sometimes the restrictions get in the way of the creative thinker, which you obviously are. Having said that, several of us are using the mulch on the back yard as grass does not grow well there because of the shade from the bush behind us. My particular yard, however, is very HOT and not shady at all, as well as quite sloped. I don't think it would be wise to mulch this sloped lawn as it would be too trecherous to walk upon with loose mulch.

I have purchased automatic drip line equipment. However, I thought that using the bath water might be a good way to reuse a natural resource which might otherwise go down the drain. Now, if only I could figure out a way to get the water from the bath tub to the plant without my having to carry it.
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