high temperature banana growing habits
OK this is going to be a thread thats mostly about my observations on growing Bananas in high temperature climates IE. Desert condition specifically Las Vegas Nevada I'm growing at this point Williams hybrid and ice cream as well as ense ventricosum (in germination at this time) the Williams is 3 moths old and the temps have been in the low 80 for the first moth growth was rapid at Thea's temps putting approximately one new leaf per 3 days from that time forward temps have been in the high 90 to a 3 day period of 115 deg. fh the average humidity has been a consistent 20% growth stopped or was nil during the 115 days also the bananas seem to become bound up easily requiring the carefully removal of all old and dead leafs and the easing of the tops of the stocks were the leafs exist the older m stem
water consumptions has been 2 liters of water per plant per day sun exposer has been limited to 6 hr a day early morning full sun then shade rest of day
plants aper healthy but have sustained some sunburn approx. 30% in the early weeks of this project
the newest leafs are healthier and look to be thickening (probably in response to the harsh climate IE sun) the Williams has grown 4" and the two ice Cream have grown 6" the creams are approximately 1 moth old however exact age is unknown they aper to Handel the sun and heat better with far less burning and faster growth with leaf growth approximately 1 leaf ever 2 days
Williams leafs fold down during the high part of the day were as the Ice creams do not fold their leafs
all plants are on a supplement of vigro time release palm food 8-6-8 feed at 50% the recommended rate every 30 days all are planted in pots and have a sandy Lome type of soil with a 6.0 Ph water is local tap high in dissolved salts with a Ph of 5.2 at the time of testing well thats this months observation probably a bit boring but i think this is a some what unique histology and hopefully will lead to some conclusive programs for tropical growing in desert conditions and possibly some hybridization for Hardy more drought tolerant plants pleas feel free to ask questions and point out any thing good or bad that you think i should do or stop doing id really love for every one to help with this project
and if we do come up with any significant drought tolerant Bananas all defiantly be more then happy to provide pups in one way or the other to people as i can after all this is about growing for the love of Agro. and not for profit
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