id like to clarify most Americas shop in meager grocery chains IE safway wall-mart Kroger's they do not see a grate variety of plant based foods
however there are a grate number of plant based foods available from smaller more responsive chains as well as specialty store the draw back to this is that they tend to be but are not always more expensive and are in smaller supply but Miss and Mr john Doe living in Hoboken new Jersey don't have access to thees kinds of food stuffs and the poor who are often living in Urban centers were Grocery stores tend to be few and far between
and whom are not failure with most variety of foods wouldn't even know what to do with the food if they could buy it in the second palace please do not misunderstand me I'm not putting down any one thees are simply my observations
in summation thees condition in my opinion are bas on a system of profit over sound scientific safe bio practices and are as a direct result of over population coupled with greed and a lack of controls really you have to kinda fault the scientist and governments for not thinking these things threw but i have to say that these people are often stressed and over rot with the condition that require their Attn. as well as their own human nature
IE apathy or greed and corruption or and i believe this is the main reason ignorance!
this has led to a lack of bio diversity poor health of the average person
and a precarious food supply coupled with natural as well as man made diseases and blights lead really to are current discussion of the panama disease even though they seam unrelated its about systems and ares isn't working vary well!
there are defiantly other causes that could be discus in relationship to the out brake of panama decease such as bad shipping practices not the mention the efficacy of genetically engineering plants and animals and some of are social practices that promote are current systems this is really a big subject and could potently go on for moths but as iv already take up way to much time and don't in any way wish to belabor this all leave thees things for you all to discus in more depth i only hope that we can find a way to live that promotes are heath spiral as well as physical and the welfare of are plant
sorry about the spelling lots of words that sound the same!