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Old 06-08-2008, 06:22 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Problem for the basjoo breeding project in Brazil

Now I spoke with Leda. She told that is a risk to ship seed to Brazil, you can have good luck and bad luck, this is the same like one fare dodger, the strict importation laws of Brazil are bad for the country Brazil and its economy and problematic for genpools. E. g. one important species exincts in Brazil because of one new disease and another species which is resistant against the new disease and crossable with the exinct species in Brazil, that Brazil gets big problems with food and with the economy. Prohibits can be detrimental for the economy and agriculture and thwart the research in breeding. And most of the nurseries in Brazil have only small sortiments of bananas because of this prohibition of banana plant and seed importation, even the large like Dierberger. Only Raras Frutas has 14 banana varieties, I will get all of them, Frutas Raras is one of the importantest for me. Dierberger and Frutas Raras complain about this prohibition of banana plant and seed importation in their emails to me. Now I will try to get different important hardy bananas over the botanical gardens and universities in Brazil. I think, I will get Musa basjoo from the botanical gardens of Porto Alegre, Curitiba, Blumenau, Novo Hamburgo etc. Also sikkimensis, itinerans and others.

But in the future will change this. Brazil and other Southamerican countries have now decided a union like EU and AU in the future. Then it's possible that the border controls between the countries in South America will be abolished like the border controls between the states in the EU (Schengian Agreement, Schengener Abkommen), you will go from France to Germany and nobody controls you! Even you go from Germany to Poland and nobody controls you at the border between Germany and Poland. But if you leave the EU to go to e. g. Russia or Belorussia or Brazil, then you will be controlled and have to show your passport and visum and have to show permits for export and import if you do export or import plants and seeds, but not between the countries of the EU. In the future you will be not controlled at the border between Bolivia and Brazil anymore, and if you leave Brazil to go to Argentina, you will not be controlled anymore in the future in the case of the South American Union. Even the U.S.A. plans one union with Canada and Mexico, the North American Union. The South American Union is one hope for the nurseries and collectors of banana species to get more and more banana species to Brazil.

Best wishes
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