Originally Posted by bananimal
You just admitted to being a rat eater, eh. By definition - rodent - 4 teeth - 2 up 2 down. Bunnies count too. Haven't had the opportunity yet myself - but would go for it in Ecuador where it is common practice.
Mouse mousse anyone???
This is the funniest thread I ever started, thanks to you guys.
BTW, Langiappe and Randy4ut, from La and Tn, respectively, have not jumped in on this yet. Come on y'all - what is your favorite part of the possum, rat, whatever?
Dan , Many of my friends and family refuse to eat wild game .And Many people across the country do consume wild animals . So being from La or Tn has no true bearing in regards to ones palate.(mmmm bear)
Fortunately for me , I belong to the latter group.
I can tell you this much about the eating of possum(and ,no,not that the best part is the knee): My family has eaten all likes of wild game to include squirrel, rabbit, deer, turtle, alligator, eel, bowfin, alligator gar, snipe, woodcock, duck, goose, quail, dove, rattlesnake, blackbird, wild or feral hog,wild turkey(the bird,not the booze) and racoon but would NEVER eat possum or armadillo !
I have heard,however, that armadillo is best served 'on the half shell' :P