Re: I built some PVC supports for my Ice Cream naners this weekend
Quote from TTP, Fred: "So, for those that have grown this banana before, am I looking at not taking them off the tree until about 4 more months have passed?"
TTP, no one answered your question. That has been my experience here in the Houston area, around 3-4 months. Others may have different experiences so hopefully someone else will share there experiences. If memory serves, last year my 'Orinoco' started blooming in late July-early August. When it still wasn't ripe by Thanksgiving or Christmas (can tremeber which but I think it was Christmas) , I cut it and brought it inside to ripen on top of the refrigerator. It took it a while before any started ripening so I used several of the bananas to make tostones and the rest I ate as they ripened and man were they good. Orinocos have a different texture than your normal dessert banana but I really liked the taste of them when they were nice and ripe. If you're interested in trying Orinoco I'd gladly trade you a pup for an Ice Cream pup.