Originally Posted by chong
The wild boar that you had was probably butchered from the wilds. People in MS hunt those giant wild boars with several dogs to "get it trapped at bay". Then they send a pitbull to actually pin it down after which, a couple of the hunters would grab the boar's hind legs and hog-tie (no pun intended)them. Then they load it up on their pickup truck. While it's up on the boom of the picker, they caponize (neuter) the boar. Then they keep it in a pen for 3 weeks and feed it grain and surplus vegetables before butchering.
The meat that I sampled was somewhat gamy, but it actually tasted something between regular pork and beef. It didn't smell anything offensive, though. Just regular barbecued meat.
Chong, you're right it was killed in the wild. This was when I lived in Colusa, Ca and back then a lot of people fished in a network of canals that were all over with a gun near by as a wild boar could pop up. They were killed on site and taken in to be processed.
Now I understand why it was so nasty!!