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Old 06-19-2008, 09:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Super Dwarf Cavendish has yellow leaves

Good morning peeps (I totally love these dancing bananas)

My brand new super dwarf has 3 small yellow leaves at the base of it's "trunk" while the 2 above it are turning yellow. The large main leaves are nice green w/ a little red in it, and the new leaf that's curling out is greenish yellow. It looks healthy.

I was careful not to start a new thread until after I read thru many of the posts trying to find information on yellow leaves. I even went to the Banana Wiki and found that yellow leaves are considered dead and need to be trimmed off-->Care: ...The main thing one will need to do is tidy up a bit occasionally by trimming off any dead leaves once they have turned completely yellow.

So now I'm confused. My question: is it normal for the banana plant to have this many yellow leaves? I always thought YELLOW=too much watering, and BROWN=not enough watering...but after reading all I could on bananas, these guys love water...

My plant is 14 inches tall (measuring from the tip of it's top leaf), sits in a 10 inch pot, it's mulched, and I made sure the soil was a little acidic...oh, and it's sitting in the sunroom, but it's been a bit cool, tho not cold the last couple of days.

Any advice?
Much thanks
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