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Old 06-22-2008, 02:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Differences in growth rates of bananas-AeAe vs Siam Ruby

If my little Siam Ruby wasn't so puny this would almost be funny.
Way back in, oh, last summer 2007 sometime I forget exactly when, I brought my Ae Ae that I had planted out into the yard to see if it survived the winter of 2006 back into the greenhouse to plant it in a better spot I had cleared out, where it would have a full 20 feet to grow up to the roof. Then in Feb 07, I bought a Siam Ruby from Brian's Botanicals for $35 and decided that I thought that these 2 would look really striking planted close together. So I did this:

These 2 plants have gotten the exact same water, fertilizer, and light. The Siam Ruby is still virtually the SAME size as it was when I got it. It lost all its red color overwinter, but is regaining it back, and it is also suckering. But the Ae Ae is on steroids. It has one leaf that has almost hit the 20 ft ceiling already. The first older leaves start emerging from its stem at about 4.5-5.0 ft up, and the growing tip where new leaves are emerging is at 6-7 ft. The trunk has more than quadrupled in thickness. Its too big for me to take a single photo of it, so I divided it into 3 pics, top, middle and bottom. It had a single pup attached when I brought it back in, but that pup didn't survive the transplant.

I can't figure out why this Siam Ruby is such a wimp. Maybe its just genetically weak. This is a photo of a second Siam Ruby I bought locally this last March 2008 for only $10. Its a far stronger superior plant

11/2008 Outer Banks Marathon 26.2, Kitty Hawk NC--3:50
2/2009 5 Points of Life Marathon, 26.2, Gainesville FL--4:00
4/2009 Boston Marathon, 26.2-- 4:38
10/2009 Marine Corps Marathon, DC, 26.2--457
1/2010 Houston Marathon, 26.2--3:55:09
2/2010 5 Points of Life Marathon, Gainesville--415
Halloween Day 2010 Marine Corps Marathon, DC--
2/2011--Austin TX Marathon--
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