Hi ngiann,
I think, I know some sources in the EU.
http://www.kobakoba.co.uk (Koba Koba, David Constantine)
http://www.bananenshop.at (Achims Bananenshop)
http://www.tropische-pflanzenwelt.de (Tropische Pflanzenwelt Michael Peuthert)
You can Achim ask for more bananas, there are also new banana varieties in his onlineshop. You can ask Achim for FHIA-01 and FHIA-03. Also you can ask David Constantine from Koba Koba for these cultivars, also Michael Peuthert.
To order plants from the EU members is cheaper than from the U.S. (shipment charges and phytosanitary charges!!!).
I hope to help you.
It's very interesting to grow bananas in your country!
Happy Banana Growing