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Old 07-23-2006, 01:13 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Default Re: Damn Squirrels!!!

The problem with feeding the squirrels - even by providing alternative plants - is that it makes them feel at home on your property, and they don't recognize "No Touchy" signs posted by the bananas. Once they've come to appreciate the taste of nanners, they'll continue exploiting this new food source.

We've seen fit to rid most of their predators where we live and squirrels are perfectly happy around us and the plentiful food we provide and they multiply without control. Therefore, we need to either become that missing predator, or replace the predators - such as introducing dogs and cats into the area that are alert and will go after squirrels, as well as creating an environment that's friendly to the likes of hawks, owls and snakes.

Trapping and moving them is an option - squirrels often stumble onto the banana plants and they don't exactly spread the word - so trapping those that are eating your nanners will reduce the loss you're experiencing, at least until more squirrels stumble onto this delicacy. What you do with the trapped squirrels is up to you - but if you release them, do so many many many miles away and out in the country where there are still predators to keep them under control.

Also discourage neigbhors from feeding the squirrels or befriending them - squirrels that are comfortable around humans will be more bold about intruding into your garden. Keep a broom handy to run them off with - scare them so that they'll lose that boldness and learn to avoid humans. A BB-gun won't do the trick - they need to see *you* and associate you as something they need to avoid, so you actually need to go out there personally waving and swiping the broom at them and scattering them. That way they'll gradually lose their comfort around humans and become more shy - more "wild".

Sprays and whatnot are only moderately effective, if at all. Squirrels are very smart and often laugh at such gimics. They'll need more convincing coercion.

Make sure your nanner patch isn't immediately adjacent to squirrel safety locations like large clumps of trees - make it so they need to actually get out of their tree and cross open property on the ground in order to get to your nanners. This makes them more vulnerable and in conjuction to dogs and cats will make them seek safer sources of food.

Make the place a happier home to predators like owls and hawks too. While humans can certainly trap and cull populations, predators do so in a manner that strengthens the remaining squirrel populations by selectively culling out the weak and sick, something we're quite unequipped to do. And if you see snakes, let them pass.

And, remember - as cute as they may be, they multiply like rats sans predators - and didja know that squirrels will kill hummingbird chicks?

Seek to restore the natural balance by any number of various methods, tho I would personally avoid poisons, remove the squirrels that have discovered your patch and seek to secure the banana patch by creating open areas around it and giving run of the property to a very alert dog or cat and your squirrel problems will at least become more moderate.

Be well,
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