Originally Posted by bencelest
Even buying a fruiting tree from the store will not help you to harvest fruit in 3 months' time. I am not trying to be facetious but since you are going back to school and all that I am not sure if you have the time to take care of a plant. It needs tender and loving care. There is no such thing as 3 months for a plant to flower and fruit with that short period of time. Your tree will need sunshine, fertilizer, water, and checking for bugs. That takes A LOT OF TIME - not 3 months. A couple of years maybe.
Cuttings and seedlings are out of the question.
Even if you buy already a fruiting tree, it's going to take 6 to 8 months for the fruit to mature. Taking care of a plant is pretty expensive.
Would you consider just buying fresh fruits from the store then?
Ya, I could buy fruits from the store. I just wanted to plant my own.