Originally Posted by marksbananas
Is this true has anyone tried it yet? that would be great if it works and doesn't effect the banana, but i would think the detergent would be harmful to the plant? I might try this on a pup and see how it goes, but if anyone else has tried then i would be grateful if they could let me know the results
My father-in-law did this for years in Coconut Grove with great success. He ate plenty of Orinocos and is still fine at age 75.
Also--I have a huge Saba planted on the front beach at Edisto Beach. It is on the west side of the house, but 30 yard from the high tide line. It has been thriving this wet summer.
Also..again.. friends have Ice Creams planted on the edge of Brackish ponds which contain flounder, crab, and shrimp. They are super healthy plants and produce fruit in early mid May.