after the guys would clean the grills they would turn them back on till they got hot and have cockroach races across the grill to see whos bug would make it across without exploding first. we found dead mice in the open pickle buckets in the big coolers. cockroaches in the milk shake machine
Ok the mice thing is nasty, but the bugs are ok. I remember something like two bug legs in every chocolate bar.
if the bathroom is clean( and i mean clean) i will eat at that resturant. if the bathroom is dirty and nasty i will walk right back out the door.
If a bathroom is really shinny, its probably not getting much use? Just look for employees to wash hands and wear gloves, thats always my turning point.
Come on now I thought you were gonna give us some real stomach turning horror. The kind that would have us rethinking our fast food habits for sure.
-My mom got some fries once with little curly hairs in them. She exchanged the fries and the next three times they still had hairs. BLUUUAHHH
-I'm sure you all remember reading about the women who got the fried chicken head in her chicken nuggets? BLURRRRRRRP
-and how about when V8 got sued because someone poured a glass of tomato juice and found an aborted fetus? RAAAALFFFFF
Like that horror!