Originally Posted by buzzybee
Hey MagicKiwi,
The Lowe's in Niles does not have bananas but the one in Mishawaka IN does. They are labeled Musa Resistence and in small letters it says musa basjoo. Is this the same thing? The reason I am asking for advice is because the musa basjoo I purchased earlier in June was labeled as basjoo but I think it is something else. So beware. The leaves on the pups on my tree are speckled and splotched reddish and the mama plant is kinda chunky/beefier than the pictures of basjoo I have seen.
So now I am thinking of buying one at lowes also. I want a basjoo. I guess I may be wintering a small forest of banana trees in my basement for the winter :-/ Can anyone give me some info on the basjoo. Do the pups look this way? I read a discription of a cavendish and it sounds like my plant? Anybody? What you say??? Thanks for listening to me whine.
Oh My Gosh! I just found all the smilies!!! TOO FUN!!!
do you have any pictures of your pups? Dont count on a superstore to label a plant properly, post your pictures here, I'm sure someone here can identify what you have.
from the other side of the mitten.