hey all im a tropical holic and Most the time i go for fruiting seeds .
im not having very good luck with the date palms but my favorite to start and grow has become the Dragons blood .
well many people have asked me here in the local Oregon area to get them started for them. so i just bought 40 seeds 10 for just in case of death on the 25 that have asked me to start the seeds. and of corse more for me lol.
well the seller sent me the rarest one of all as a gift to try.
The Bottle Neck. Its absolutly exquistit little Palm tree reaching between 8-14 tall. Zone 10 but he says if the dragons blood does ok here these should as well. he even pmed me and asked if i wanted to try them i said sure how much he said free so of corse I want to try them .
here is a link to what they look like as adults .
Its an ebay auction link so i wont steal the picture
http://seedrack.com/ebay3/bottlepalm0.jpg Or