Re: I Love D. Namwah Pearl more than Ae-ae!!!
Getting burnt leaf should not be a big deal for bananas. It should never be an issue for us (unless you are only after the foliage). And here's why.
Bananas quickly recover and during the very active growth in the warm season, those leaves with burnt areas will soon be history, replaced by the much better acclimatized leaves. Even if all banana leaves get burnt, you should not worry as the newer leaves emerge, they get acclimatized to the new area you moved them. You can also simply chop off the top part of the trunk, and this way all your new leaves will be acclimatized. The surface area of the pseudostem of most bananas is adequate to photosynthesize food for maintenance and helping in the growing of new leaves. The pseudostems and the corm have also a lot of stored food and nutrients to easily replace damaged leaves or tops that were broken off. Remember that most of banana's native habitat in the tropics are prone to typhoons, hurricanes, and they have evolved to quickly recover from these very frequent natural disasters.