Originally Posted by Jimzone7
Hi Austin
Everything looks great, it's nice to see the progression over time.
In one of your earlier photos you showed the replacement for the EE, (the ones with the upright leaves.) It's one of my favorites and I'm thinking about planting them next season. Any info on them would be appreciated.
Jim, the upright EEs are hardy in my zone. Some people dig them up for the winter and store the corms in a crawl space or garage. I just mulch them and they reliably come back each year. They don't require as much water as the regular EEs which is a great attribute. I got rid of my regular EEs because they would always wilt even if I watered them often. Treat the upright EEs like you would bananas. They like compost, cow manure, and regular fertilizer.
Arkansas River Valley
Average January Low: 31°F, Average August High: 92°F
Extreme Winter Lows: 5-15°F, Extreme Summer Highs: 100-112°F, Annual Precipitation: 52 inches