Edmonton Temperature fluctuations
I was able to put my bananas out permanently about June 1 and had to cover them once in late August. If the weather forecast is accurate, I will have to bring them in by Sept 10.
Over the summer we have had a number of hot snaps and cold snaps, setting a record for the number of days where the high was over 30* C(85*F). While we didn't have frost in the summer, overnight lows between 5 and 9* C(41 to 48*F) were quite common and overnight temps seldom exceeded 55*F.
As a result all of my bananas have lost ground in the 3 months that they were outside. My Basjoo is going to a nice indoor home. I plan to keep the DCs and Raja Puris over winter and try again next year.
You don't have to be crazy to grow Bananas in Alberta, but it helps