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Old 09-06-2008, 01:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Musa 'Helens Hybrid' fruit picture RPS

Rare palm seeds now has a picture of Musa 'Helens Hybrid' fruit. It doesn't look anything like Musa 'Chimi Champa's fruit. The picture has made me question weather this is actually a hybrid with that edible banana or something else. After scouring many sites, all that I've come up with is that it was 'discovered', and not actually crossed by hand, and it's "thought" to be a hybrid between those two species.
Here's the RPS pic-
I doubt they have been hand pollinating the Helen's, so it's most likely self seeding like veluntina. The fruits look alot more like the Musa 'Balboa Park' fruits than, chimi IMO, and my little plants share a resemblence also.
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