Re: Planting Bananas
well if you all reread his post hes stated the fallowing "I called a friend who has a banana plantation in Brazil and he said they do a lot of grafting in the banana trees. " not that I'm making any statements of a definitive nature here but i think we should all keep an opine mind on this after all let me put this in a historical contexts. how many civilizations have come and gone on are planet that have had to one deg or another mathematical and engineering skills that in some ways have rivaled are own. thees have been lost and had to be rediscovered how do we know that this is a new technique from his statement its not! so in that contexts i think its certainly worth a try who knows this could lead to an unprecedented discovery if you consider that more then haft the world depends on Bananas as there primary starch nutrition and in light of the ever shrinking supply of viable land to grow food crops the ability to grow hardier Bananas in more northerly climates dose make good sens to me just my two cents! and i think to answer the statement about why there are no scientific papers on this subject. a researchers gos in to the jungle to do his thing if he doesn't know about a certain technique then why would he even know to ask about it and some things are considered so mundane buy people that they don't even think to talk about it i know theres lots of papers out there identifying and classifying plants but other then the FHIA thing who's really doing research on enchant forming practices of south America. theres a sort of inherent bise by the agro community in thinking that the modern practices are of the most predictive nature when thats provin time and time again that its not really so look at how we have harmed are land tiling and over using of chemicals when all along ancient peoples have used practices that have show there sustainability over thousands of generations
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