Re: Planting Bananas
Frank, I'm skeptical also, but it's worth taking a look at to see what happens. Many growers have carried out particular traditions for many generations even though there is little objective support for doing so. My grandfather, father, uncles, and brother would never start planting corn in the spring on a Friday. No scientific reason for doing so except that there were probably too many other things going to if they hadn't got started by then and were possibly more lilkely to be rushing and making mistakes. Obviously, a trial with at least a hundred plants of each treatment (plant A, plant B, and grafts of A on B and B on A) would be nice to see to really draw any conclusions.
In some old scientific literature from the 15th century or so there was a discussion that grafting of fruit trees was highly controversial, messing with mother nature, along the lines of how gene splicing is often viewed today. So science has been know to change its views. I'd love to be able to have my skepticism dismissed!