Re: Unknown Ft. Meyer bananas?
Hi there,
I lived in Ft MYERS (NOT MEYERS Sorry, a pet pieve of those of us that live there HA HA) from 72 till 2002.
I know the plants you mean but have no idea what they might be. Most clumps of bananas in peoples yards look kind of ratty.
Every 4 or 5 years we might have gotten a freeze but almost every winter, we stood a good chance of frost unless there was wind or cloud cover. Just a crap shoot on the frost, BUT it never got below freezing for more that a few hours if that. I lived on the N side of the river and we got it a lot worst than just across on the S side. Kind of like the river acted as a curtain and stopped the cold air from crossing. Royal palms would grow like weeds S of the river but not N of it.
Go ahead and send him any banana you want, it stands a good chance of surviving. I had 15 kinds there.