Originally Posted by lt_eggbeater
I think I'm about 2000ft elevation. The banana plants are all in my backyard, but its a big back yard so they get no shade from the house. I do water the heck out of them though. I use a massive amount of water keeping everything green.
Originally Posted by damaclese
mine seam to need shade i have them all planted on the east side of my house or there siting in pots on the north side right up agenset the house where its quite shady after 10ish the ones on the East get sun until 1 and they kinda get a bit crispy around the edges in the summer what is your altitude I'm at 2300 to 4000 depending on which side of the valley you live on I'm on the low side in zone 9b but my particular yard really is a zone 10 my temps hover around 35deg even when the rest of the valley is in the 20s in four years iv only seen frost on my car 4 times
Originally Posted by lt_eggbeater
Same here I can tell what has survived in my yard in the phoenix area with absolutely no shade. Rajapuri, Saba, Mysore, Icecream, Giant plantain, Goldfinger, Dwarf Cavendish, Praying Hands, Cardaba, Apple banana, Some mystery bananas I can't figure out and a few more I have probably left out. I think it reached 118 this summer and its regularly 110 plus.
We ought to move this to the "High Temperature Growing Habits" thread and continue this discussion in more detail. I am amazed that you are getting these to survive in full sun in Phoenix! I have been sheltering mine for the entire summer. I am going to move some of them out over the next few days. When you say apple banana, are you talking about Manzano? Mine has been getting the most sun and is doing well. I think that in addition to your list I would add: Monthan, SH3640, FHIA-3 and I am also going to see if the Double Mahoi can handle it (being mostly Cavendish).
My new Belle is doing fine in 75% sun and I think that I will try a few others gradually. You post has given me encouragement to expand my parameters. Thanks!