Wow, your garden looks great!
I just love this plant. The pup that I divided this year looked like it was a goner after I planted it. Several weeks later it's come back and has been going great guns even with the cooler weather coming.
The momma plant, from which the pup came from, wilted, and then the neighborhood terror-squirrel got into it. Looked deader than dead. Stem broken right off. It was in a pot, and against my better judgement and thinking it'd been lost anyway, I planted it outside at the end of August. It's now pushing up two pups, and a new stem-like thing is forming.
Even the replanted pup is putting out two pups! The neighbors have all been asking what I've got growing there.
I'm hoping for a southern plantation look next year on my postage stamp-sized yard in downtown Toronto!
I'll be digging them both up in a couple of weeks for overwintering. I'm hoping the ground will dry out some before then. We're getting the after-effects of Ike today.
I'm thinking I'll overwinter the healthy pup indoors and the original plant and it's pups perhaps in the underground garage. Apparently its heated and doesn't drop below freezing. I'm thinking because it's been sickly recently, that it could use the rest for the next 7 (wow, is winter here really that long?) months.
I'm finding Musa basjoo is almost as easy to grow as cactus!