Glossary needed?
Hey all,
I have been doing some reading about bananas, and have run across MANY words I had to stop and look up. (IE, imbricate, lamina, tepal, and the list could go on and on for me!) Point is, would a glossary of sorts with a link to it not be a good idea for this site. I mean, even some what we consider simple words, hands, fingers, pseudostem, for a beginner may be a little daunting. I personally would like to see a linkable section on here that would list words and their definitions to be able to access easily. Not sure if this would be something someone would want to undertake during the winter months, but I know if alot of folks are interested, and someone could help me figure out the best way to set it up, I would do my best to get something to help. It would also give me more knowledge to the meaning of this words and hopefully help all of us understand each other much better. Please let me know what you folks think...