Thread: Basjoo pups.
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Old 09-22-2008, 04:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Basjoo pups.

I had planted a basjoo in the ground last year. It had several pups. In the fall, I protected everything, and everything came back in the spring. I accidentaly broke the p-stem of the mother plant at around 3-4 feet, but it came back nicely, from that point. Now the pups are almost as big as the mother, and have pups of their own. I would like to get the pups out of there, and leave the mother. I thought I would dig out last year's pups, and leave any of this year's attached to them. Is there any way I can kind of dig around them, so I can see what I'm cutting, without disturbing mother too much. I thought it would be better, if I could see what I was doing, rather than plunging willy-nilly in there, with a spade. I have a digging bar, but it doesn't have a sharp end, so it's not much good.
Maybe, I should just put everything off until spring. What are your thoughts?


The picture above shows the mother plant, in the middle (tan), with the large green (last year's) pups, and the small (this year's) pups.

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