Originally Posted by austinl01
Wow, I love the flower! It kind of reminds me of a Birds of Paradise bloom. Too bad it's not hardy.
It is ashame it is not hardy, but you may want to see if you can try a Heliconia schiedeana, as it is one of the hardiest heliconias out there. I received one last spring and it has been out in the garden all summer. I finally took a small division of it and potted it up to overwinter inside and am leaving the rest out to protect and see how it overwinters outside. From my understanding it will make it through 9a with minimal damage and 8b winter will knock it back to the ground. Also, it is suppose to bloom from second year growth, so I will probably never see it in my garden blooming, but who knows. With enough protection, it may fare better than I expect. You never know unless you give it a try, right???