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Old 09-28-2008, 11:33 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Banana Pics 9-28-2008

Originally Posted by Bob View Post
Beautiful plants! Are they in the sunken pots so you can concentrate the water because of your climate? I had put some old very large broken clay pot tops around my in ground basjoo for that reason, turn the hose on low and walk away for a bit.
yes to keep the water from moving away from the roots to quickly my soil is hard packed sand and dose not retain mosture for vary long are soil is also toxsic containg high levals of boron in addtion makes moving them insid for the winter vary quick and easy every singal banana i have is in a pot for this year at least nexst some are going in to the ground after i get rid of the soil in the planting beds and rplace it with good stuff but as iv alread perchest over 50 2qft bags of soil all ready the buget was shot for this year gardening in Nv is exspesive and back braking takes a hole day to dig a hole the size that thouse two banans are in you have to ues a pri bar just to dig the rocks out thos two hols containd over 8o rocks betwen them and there just 36" deep so as you see the pots in the ground is are vary practical sorry if that was long winded but its hard to conva what its like to garden here i think thats why almost know one dos they just hier garders to do it for them and never plant any thing but desert land scape at least cati dont conplain like Bananas do LOL
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