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Old 09-28-2008, 12:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Default Re: Sad, just few days left for heat

Originally Posted by lt_eggbeater View Post
Ok I was just wondering. I will not be bringing any of mine in. They will all stay in the ground. If they die they die. The reason I was curious was I wanted to know how long they will grow so I can decide if the ones I just planted last week will be established enough to make it through winter.
well you in zone 9 so thats not to bad compared to most US growers it really depends on how big they are most young plants say those under 3ft tall tend not to make it but as I'm not an expert maybe some one els could be more definitive then me but i certainly understand that not wanting to fuss to much over a plant but as I'm totally nuts and have no sense at all i fuss LOL do you have any pics of the plants i think if i could see there size and how hardy they look now i could maybe make an educated guess i would definitely mulch and cover them up with as many dry leafs as you can put over them I'm originally form Kansas and when i lived there i use to take dry Oak leafs and pile them up over my tropicals some times three ft thick then i would over tarp them i rairly had any thing die with that technique leafs are super insulating and trap allot of air around plants which is good because Bananas will rot easily in the cold
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