I'm going to mulch over alot more next winter also. It's helpful to hear about other peoples results of past winters. I'm mulching over my cannas and EEs this year as I have seeds from the cannas and my EE was from Walmart and easily replaced. I'm mulching some of my lateritas also with some back ups potted and brought inside. But the other nanas ... it looks like a forest in that room already.
My daughter thinks I should put big river rock inbetween the pots to look more decorative with a fountain ... ok yes I'm thinking about it!! I'm going to dig up a couple tomato plants too and bring them inside as an experiment to see how long I can keep them going. I hate store bought tomatoes. We were at Lowes looking at lighting but I think I'll need to order online. Somewhere there is an old thread that has some good information regarding grow lights that I need to find.
P.S. The down side right now to bringing all these nanas inside are all the jumping spiders that are living on them and no longer benificial to me! They rear up at me and live to scare me.