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Old 10-16-2008, 06:24 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Default Re: chinese yellow bananna

Originally Posted by hamby View Post
as far as what im doing ,i don't have a clue. do i need to cut the leaves off and leave the stem? and what about the pups? how tall should leave the stem? this is the first teme i have seen a yellow banana, i thought they looked pretty neat and thought we should give them a try.having great sucess in growing but am stupid when it comes to caring for them.
Do you mean what do you need to do to store it for winter? If so, yes, you could cut the leaves off and maybe part of the pseudostem. It depends upon how much of the stem you are willing to sacrifice. I wouldn't cut too much it I were you. You need to either pile mulch around it or straw-something to insulate it from the cold. We grew these when I was in St. Louis be we never tried leaving them out. I never have any problems with leaving mine in the ground here, but I'm in Zone 9. You might check with Taylor as I know he has great success with his in Arkansas and I think he leaves is in the ground. Also, just do some research into past posts on this subject and you'll find a ton of info.

Personally, unless you have access to a greenhouse or plenty of space in your house, I'd wait until spring to divide the pups. They'll reestablish quicker then.
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