Re: Lighting for the winter
Metal halide are far more superior than any other light,They do how ever cost a little bit more on your electric bill but not as much as you would think,,I personally use 2-400 watt metal halide and 4-100 watt compact fluorecents in my garage to winter my plants over,,my electric bill goes up about $40 in the winter months to run these light plus 2- box fans to reinsure good air circulation,,Lights are ran about 10-12 hours a day depending apon when I turn them off and on,,,still need to get a timer for the lights,so it is not such a pain to turn the lights all on,,oh,,and the box fans run 24/7 ,and the plants get misted every other day to keep the humidity up and helps a little bit with the whole spider mite thing.... I pre-spray everything with Avid ,before it goes in the garage for the winter.Avid is a spray just for spider mites ,,works very very well,but is kinda ,,well VERY exspensive!!!