Hi Patty,
My bananas are cloaked by plastic bags right now so no sense in taking photos of that. I think my Dwarf Brazilian will be ready to cut in a month or so, though things are pretty cool at night now. My supposed Raja Puri is a little behind that, but I think the fruits are large enough that they could both mature okay inside if I had to cut them now. Usually we don't get frosty weather until sometime in December or January, maybe later (February for last winter). The plant I bought from Wellspring and labeled as Ice Cream died in our 20F freeze of January 2007. The label was lost but it was either labeled Raja Puri or Ice Cream and I'm pretty sure that the one that died was Ice Cream because the surviving plant clearly is not Ice Cream. The tall plants I have never did have lost labels and I have two of them and they are both tall. Both were labeled as Dwarf Orinoco and, according to Austin's report, there apparently was some recognition of the mix-up later on which I am now only aware of.
I'll post photos when it comes time to cut them and have to remove the bags.
In some thread I started (maybe one of those two, even) Gabe explained the transition of female to male flower thing. I am now experienced with three bunches this summer and each bunch has a hand that ends up with some fingers that never develop and the next hand is entirely male flowers that usually drop off on their own.
I've got 20 or so varieties now. These two are the survivors of the first bananas I bought!