This is my first year of really trying to preserve as much p-stem on my bananas as possible. In the past I've just covered the base with mulch or straw and let them go. They've always bounced back but I'd like to save more p-stem this year. I am digging one up - but the rest I'm leaving in the ground.
I made small cages for all of my largest basjoo and filled it with straw. I figured after the first frost, which should be this coming Wednesday, I'll wrap the leaves down around the cage and fill with more straw/leaves above the cage.
I've been hesitant about straw bc of how it holds water. So before I continued, I figured I'd check and see if you all thought this was going to be a decent method to use.
Our winters here are fairly mild (typically just one night below 20F) and most nights are at or above freezing. It even warms into the 70's in December or January for a week at a time - or has the last two years. Last frost it typically around the first of April, sometimes as late as the 15th (like this year).